domenica 5 febbraio 2012

Dont' Cry for me Argentina, for I have "Panqueques con Dulce de leche"

Now, the shot is simply awful, plus blogspot decided to flip the picture without asking. And I am afraid I can't be positive on the look of the dish either.
But Lord how good this is!
The dulce de leche I made yesterday found its way where it belongs: panqueques.
I made a slight change to one of the several recipes I studied before making this genuinely Argentinian "postre" (dessert). The result is a super easy crepe-like pancake: an elastic and tender hot cake that will be very resistant to the dulce de leche spreading.
BE CAREFUL: This procedure will reveal your true self: the thin-layered, measured kind or the thick, outrageously measureless one. No neeed to guess where I stand.

2 eggs
250 ml milk (full fat or low fat)
100 grams all-purpose flour
a pinch of salt
a teaspoon baking powder
10 grams unsalted butter

- mix the eggs and milk with a wisk. Add salt and, using a sift, add the flour. Once the mix is well blended, add the baking powder.
- use the butter to grease a non stick pan: I made two different sizes, deciding that the smaller panqueque (obtained with a 12cm pan) is the best option, being easier to flip and easier to roll. Not to mention the fact that, being smaller, you are allowed to have more without feeling (too) guilty.
- ladle a spoonful of batter in the buttered pan and wait until you see the sides of the panqueque change color (3minutes at least): they will no longer be pearly-white but will turn into a solid yellowish nuance. Carefully lift the side and check that the panqueque is slightly browned before flipping, then turn it upside down and cook for half the time it took to make the first side.
- you can choose to pile all the pancakes before stuffing them or stuff them as soon as you remove them from the pan: the latter I like best so I can take advantage of the heat to spread the dulce de leche more easily.
- spread the cream on one side of the pancake ( remember: melius abundare quam deficere ) then gently roll it up so it resembles a big cigar: do it until all the panqueques are used up, then lay the "cigars" in an oven-proof dish leaving no space between them.
- use some of the remaining butter to spread onto the panqueques and leave in the over at 90C° all through the meal. This will keep the dish warm until it's time to serve. Otherwise, you can choose to make the dessert in advance, stick it in the fridge and heat it at 150C° for 12 minutes (or until you see the dulce the leche gently drip from the panqueques).

The batter should yeld 9-10 panqueques feeding 4 people at the end of a nice meal. If you think you'll need even more decadence, I suggest you double the amounts so you can feed 5 to 8 persons.

ENJOY your piece of Argentina!

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